Report and photos by Serena Solomon A few days of relief from the monotonous, gigless summer. Saarihelvetti 2020 was one of few festivals that luckily were able to stay strong
1. Elämä ei tarvitse minua 2. Porteilla 3. Yön tunteina 4. Aseista riisuttu
Guitarist/vocalist Mikko Heikkilä of Kaunis Kuolematon was interviewed by Tero Tolkki and below you can find out what is going on in the Kaunis Kuolematon camp in the fall of
1. Alkusanat 2. Eloton 3. Hurskas 4. Yksin 5. Tuhottu Elämä 6. Ikuinen Ikävä 7. Ikaros 8. Arvet 9. Sanat Jotka Jäivät Sanomatta Vapaus is the second full-length album by
1. Pimeyden Valtakunta 2. Itsestään Kuollut 3. Kivisydän 4. Kuolematon 5. En Ole Mitään 6. Sieluni Sirpaleet 7. Pahan Kasvot 8. Aamu 9. Haudasta Hautaan Kylmä Kaunis Maailma is the
Kaunis Kuolematon formed in 2012 by songwriter, Mikko Heikkilä. At first, their songs were mainly written in English, however, it was decided that songs would be written in Finnish, for