“”Bed of Spears” is based on the death of Ragnar Lodbroks son Erik, in the “Saga om konung Ragnar Lodbrok och hans söner” (þáttr af Ragnars sonum).
Erik travels together with his brother Agnar and their army to fight against the king of Uppsala, Eysten.
Even though Erik and Agnar were capable fighters, they lost the battle against Eysten. Agnar is slain on the battlefield while Erik is captured.
Erik may then choose his destiny – to be executed in any way he wants or to marry Eystens daughter. Erik chooses to be executed by getting thrown over spears stuck in a pit – death by being pierced by spears is however a typical way to reach Valhalla.
Before Erik is thrown over the spears he mentions that “no king has ever seen a bed so valuable” and that he will give his eyes as food for the ravens.”
Source : Månegarm
Illustration by Kris Verwimp
Lyric :
Se valplatsen dränkt ut i blod
Vår här har mättat Uppsalas jord
Vi stred mot en obetvinglig kraft
Min broder föll, dräp i svärddans svår.
I bojor förd, i Eysten våld, mina sista ord
Vägrar taga mö, som bot för broders blod
Ej bliva måg till vår fiendekung
Ingen moders sorg, låt gravöl skålas stort
Giv mig denna död
Res, res spjut i marken, höj dess järn till skyn
Ej har en konung skådat, skådat bädd så dyr
Låt, låt mig falla, över uddjärns egg.
Giv mig till ramnen, till spjutherrens djur
Tag min ring och för den fram
Till min fostermor
Bär sorg, men ingen/utan skam
Förkunna om mig och bror
I bojor förd, i Eysten våld, mina sista ord
Res, res spjut i marken, höj dess järn till skyn
Ej har en konung skådat, skådat bädd så dyr
Låt, låt mig falla, över uddjärns egg.
Giv mig till ramnen, till spjutherrens djur
Hör, hör korpen glädjas, hör örnens sång
Dem skall jag göda med mina ögon, bli till korpaföda
Låt, låt mig falla, över uddjärns egg.
Giv mig till ramnen, till spjutherrens djur.
English translation :
Behold the battlefield drenched in blood
Our army has saturated the soil of Uppsala
We fought against an overpowering force
My brother fell, slain in the dance of the swords.
In shackles brought forth, Eysten’s captive, my last words.
I refuse to accept the maiden, as payment for my Brother’s blood
I will not be son-in-law to our enemy King
No mother’s grief, toast instead at my funeral feast
Give me this death :
Rise, rise, spear in the ground, rise up to the sky
Never had any kings laid eyes on a bed so precious
Let me, let me fall over the spearheads.
Give me to the raven, to the feathered friends of the Spear Lord
Take my ring and hand it
to my foster mother
Bear the grief/ but without shame
Tell her what happened to us.
In shackles brought forth, Eysten’s captive, my last words.
Rise, rise, spear in the ground, rise up to the sky
Never had any kings laid eyes on a bed so precious
Let me, let me fall over the spearheads.
Give me to the raven, to the feathered friends of the Spear Lord
Hear, hear the raven rejoice, hear the song of the eagle,
I will fatten them with my eyes, let the raven feed
Let, let me fall, over the spearheads.
Give me to the raven, to the feathered friends of the Spear Lord.