Slaget vid Bråvalla
“The Battle of Bråvalla (also known as Bråvallaslaget) is a mythical war that is mentioned in several different sources, although in some varied forms. The lyric is based upon the fornaldarsaga “Sagobrottstycken om några fornkonungar i Dana- och Sveaväldet” (Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum í dana ok svíaveldi). The battle is descripted as the largest battle that ever took place in the North and it stood between the Danish King Harald Hildetand and the Swedish King Sigurd Ring who both had gathered the foremost fighters from all Nordic countries. The Battle of Bråvalla was planned to be Hildetands last battle and also one last opportunity to avoid “sotsängen” (death due to sickness or age) in favor of a more honorable death. Hildetand had for long been a follower of Odin but when he saw the “fylking” of the Swedish army (a battle formation that only Hildetand and Odin knew about) he realize that Odin would give the victory to Ring.”
Lyric :
Hör korpasång. Härar samlas, från Nordens alla riken.
Uppdämd vrede, prövar bärsärkars frid.
Ryktbara kämpar, under sköldmöars ledning
Marken skälver till härars dån
Slaget stundar vid Bråvalla hed.
Även Ring, här med stort mantal samlat
Ett hav av uddjärn likt havsstrandens vass
Detta mig synes, en värdig plats att dö
Stridlurar ljuda över Bråvalla hed
Ljuda, över Bråvalla hed.
Vill – Oden ej, giva segern oss
Som – ofta förr
Vill du ej giva seger till mig
Tag mig med, låt mig gästa din hall
Låt mig falla på valplatsen, samman med min här
Med ära få dö.
Se – Sigurds här, den i viggform står
Vill – Oden ej, giva segern oss
Vem – honom lärt, hur man fylkar här
Vill – Oden ej, giva segern oss.
Alla de som falla, på valplatsen, ger jag till Oden
En flod av kött och järn
härar drabbar samman
under härtecknets kraft
se lemmar kapas, se brynjor sargas
Sköldar bräckes, skallar krossas, i våldsamt raseri
Och i stora högar drottfolk faller
Där hjältar dränks i blod.
Vill du ej giva seger till mig…
Tag mig med, låt mig gästa din hall
Låt mig falla på valplatsen, samman med min här
Med ära få dö
Med ära dör jag.
English translation :
Hear the song of the raven. Armies gathering, from all the Nordic kingdoms.
Pent up wrath, testing the calm of the Berserkers.
Infamous warriors, at the command of the shieldmaidens.
The ground tembles with the din of armies
The battle will take place at Bråvalla Heath
Even Ring, brought large numbers.
A sea of spears like the reed of the seashore
This shall be a worthy place to die
Let the battle horns ring out, over the moors of Bråvalla
Singing, over the moors of Bråvalla
Will Odin not grant us victory ?
As he has so often before.
If you do not want to grant me victory
Then take me with you, let me be a guest in your hall
Let me fall in battle, alongside my men.
Let me die with honor !
Look – at Sigurd’s army, in battle formation it stands
Does – not Odin, grant us victory ?
Who – has taught him how to fylka his men ?
Does – not Odin, grant us victory ?
All those who fall on the battlefield, I give to Odin !
A river of flesh and iron,
Armies clashing,
under the force of the banner.
Limbs dismembered, chainmail scattered.
Shields breaking, skulls crushed, in violent fury.
And warriors falls in piles
where heroes drown in blood.
If you do not want to grant me victory
Then take me with you, let me be a guest in your hall
Let me fall in battle, alongside my men.
Let me die with honor !
With honor I Die.
Source : Månegarm
Illustration by : Kris Verwimp