Turmion Kätilöt

Turmion Kätilöt
STYLE: ORIGIN: FinlandFORMED: 2003LABEL: Osasto-A Records
  • MC Raaka Pee - lead vocals
  • Master Bates - bass, backing vocals
  • Bobby Undertaker - guitars, backing vocals
  • RunQ - keyboards, synthesizers, programming
  • DQ - drums, percussion

Turmion Kätilöt (literally “Midwives of Ruin” or “Midwives of Perdition”) is a Finnish industrial metal band founded in 2003 by MC Raaka Pee and DJ Vastapallo, who until the latter’s departure, were the only studio lineup. The live line-up adds Master Bates, RunQ (Tarot, Eternal Tears of Sorrow) and DQ.

The band had a recording contract with Spinefarm Records (specifically Ranka Recordings), and their second full-length album, Pirun nyrkki, was released on March 29, 2006. Shortly after a dispute over income developed between the band and Spinefarm, with the band filing a lawsuit against the label. During the ongoing case, a new album, U.S.C.H.!, was released for free download on 11 June 2008. A new single, Minä määrään (“I Rule”), was also released for free before the album, on May 21.

On March 9 the group posted a statement on their website, clarifying the arguments between the band and their former record company Spinefarm Records had been settled, but stated that the terms of the agreement meant they could not discuss the matter further. U.S.C.H.! was released physically on 20 May 2009 including 2 bonus tracks.

On December 07 2012, lead vocalist Turunen suffered a stroke. The band was on small hiatus, but returned at 22. January 2013 and revealed that a new album is coming out next autumn. On 4th of April 2013 the band released a new single titled Jalopiina in 2 different forms; as a purchasable single or as a free download on their website. During the first day after the release, the Finnish record shop Levykauppa X held a campaign where the single was legally stealable.

In May 2015, the band debuted two new singles, Vastanaineet and Taisteluhuuto, and in July announced that their upcoming album Diskovibrator would be available on September 25 that year.

In January 2017, Turmion Kätilöt announced on their Facebook page that long-time member Spellgoth had departed from the band.

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Universal Satan / 2018

Universal Satan
  • Album Info
  • 2018
  • Osasto-A

1. Verenperintö
2. Itseensäsekaantuja
3. Sikiö
4. Love is Dead
5. Viimeinen matka
6. Helvetin torve
7. Rangaistus
8. Suurempi voima
9. Saatanan siunaama
10. Faster Than God
11. To Be Contiuned 4, Je Taime

Universal Satan is the eighth studio album of Turmion Kätilöt released on September 14th, 2018. The album went straight to the top of the official list in Finland on week 38/2018.

The release of the album was preceded by a free media release issued by the band on April 2018 on Facebook, announcing the decision to break the band at the end of the year by the fall of 2017 as “it would be time to start to get better acquainted with their wives and families” and “disco is not suitable for adult men” However, in the same bulletin, it was announced that a new album Universal Satan would be released in autumn 2018, with the first single “Sikiö” being released on Radio Rock.

Heikki Kinnunen is a guest of the album.

Dance Panique / 2017

Turmion Kätilöt - Dance Panique
  • Album Info
  • 2017
  • Osasto-A

1. Dance Panique
2. Veren maku
3. Surutulitus
4. Kyynelten tanssi
5. Uhriveri
6. Vihko
7. Pienet pirut
8. Viha
9. Kuoleman marssi
10. To Be Contiuned 3

Diskovibrator / 2015

Turmion Kätilöt - Diskovibrator
  • Album Info
  • 2015
  • Osasto-A Records

1. Kirottujen karnevaalit
2. Aina arki
3. Hyvissä höyryissä
4. Sinä saatana
5. Ranteet auki
6. Lataa ja varmista
7. Hiiltynyt runko
8. Vastanaineet
9. Sinulle
10. To Be Continued Act 2

Diskovibrator is the sixth studio album by the Finnish industrial metal band Turmion Kätilöt, released on 28 September 2015.

Technodiktator / 2013

Turmion Kätilöt - Technodiktator
  • Album Info
  • 2013
  • Osasto-A Records

1. Silmät sumeat
2. Antaa palaa
3. Nimi kivessä
4. Pyhä maa
5. Jalopiina
6. Elävä koneeksi
7. Rehtori
8. золото
9. To Be Continued Act 1

Technodiktator is the fifth studio album by the Finnish industrial metal band Turmion Kätilöt, released on 27 September 2013.

Perstechnique / 2011

Turmion Kätilöt - Perstechnique
  • Album Info
  • 2011
  • Osasto-A Records

1. Grand Ball
3. Suolainen kapteeni
4. Hanska
5. Hellbound Earth
6. Lapset ja vanhemmat
7. Herran toinen tuleminen
8. Verta sataa
9. Rukoukset rattoisat
10. Vedetäänkö vai ei?

Perstechnique is the fourth studio album by the Finnish industrial metal band Turmion Kätilöt, released on 23 February 2011. Before the album, the single “IHMISIXSIXSIX” was released digitally.

U.S.C.H! / 2008

Turmion Kätilöt - USCH
  • Album Info
  • 2008
  • Raha Records

1. Vuosi 2008
2. U.S.C.H!
3. Pakanamaan kartta
4. Kuolleitten laulu
5. Paha musta veri
6. Minä määrään
7. Destination Hades
8. Kuoleman päivä
9. Arise
10. Shuttle to Venus

U.S.C.H! is the third studio album by the Finnish industrial metal band Turmion Kätilöt. Released June 11, 2008 for free download on Turmion Kätilöt‘s record label Raha Records, it consists of 10 songs. The first single from the album, Minä Määrään, was released for free download on Raha Records’ website (now replaced with the free download of U.S.C.H!) on May 21, 2008. The band have announced a presale of the physical album, to be released on May 13, 2009.

Pirun nyrkki / 2006

Turmion Kätilöt - Pirunnyrkki
  • Album Info
  • 2006
  • Spinefarm Records

1. Mistä veri pakenee (Feat. Killzone)
2. Pirun nyrkki
3. Messu
4. Eläköön!
5. Tirehtööri
7. Härkä
8. Illuusio musiikista
9. Irstauden ilosanoma (With Jessi Frey of Velcra)
10. Piiloviestien neitietsivä
11. Verta ja lihaa (Proteus mental remix)

Pirun nyrkki, released on 29 March 2006 by Spinefarm Records, is the second full-length album from the Finnish industrial metal band Turmion Kätilöt. A pirunnyrkki is also a wooden puzzle, called a burr puzzle or a piston puzzle in English.

Hoitovirhe / 2004

  • Album Info
  • 2004
  • Spinefarm Records

1. Teurastaja
2. Lepositeet
3. Paha ihminen
4. Verta ja lihaa
5. Pimeyden morsian
6. Seinä
7. Liitto
8. 4 käskyä
9. Rautaketju
10. Osasto-A
11. Kärsi

Hoitovirhe (English: (Malpractice), released on 10 December 2004 by Spinefarm Records, is the first full-length album from the Finnish industrial metal band Turmion Kätilöt.



Report and photos by Serena Solomon A few days of relief from the monotonous, gigless summer. Saarihelvetti 2020 was one of few festivals that luckily were able to stay strong

September 7, 2020 by Serena

In the middle of June I was writing about the new summer festival in Kuopio, called Rock in the City, which was mostly orientated on Finnish rock and heavy rock/metal.

August 5, 2019 by Jussi Hevander

We had a nice chat with Master Bates from Turmion Kätilöt to find out how things have been going since the small break, what to expect from their upcoming album

July 24, 2018 by Serena
Date Venue City Country Info Tickets
2025-04-17T21:00:00FINLANDIA-KLUBI, SibeliustaloLahtiFinlandInfoTickets
2025-04-18T22:00:00Wilhelm Public HouseMikkeliFinlandInfoTickets
2025-06-07T19:00:00Kapakanmäki tanssilavaTuulosFinlandInfoTickets
2025-08-02T19:00:00Porispere 2025PoriFinlandInfoTickets
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