Dawn Of Solace

STYLE: ORIGIN: FinlandBorn: 2005LABEL: Noble Demon

    When Before The Dawn was preparing to record their third album ”The Ghost”, Tuomas Saukkonen realized that he had over 30 songs written. The first idea was to simply make a double album but some of the material written started to sound too slow and dark for Before The Dawn‘s style, so Saukkonen then decided to push that darker direction a bit further and form a completely new project called Dawn Of Solace.

    Dawn Of Solace‘s debut album ‘The Darkness‘ was released in May 2006 and featured Before The Dawn vocalist Lars Eikind on clean vocals and Jukka Salovaara on guest vocals and solo guitar. After the release, several issues with label forced the project to go on a hiatus for an undefined amount of time.

    Thirteen years and fourteen written albums later, an idea of a song came up that ignited the flame to bring Dawn Of Solace back from over a decade of rest. Time took care of the issues with labels and legally band was free but time had not taken away the crushing sadness that inspired the debut. After the floodgate opened, the writing process for the album came easy and fast and most of the music has been composed during the final recordings as a rather free stream of thoughts instead of a result of carefully planned and long timed pre-production. ‘Waves‘ turned out to be an honest picture of the current times for its writer: grey, heavy and dark but still with sorrow carrying certain beauty and strength.

    The new album features Mikko Heikkilä (Black Sun AeonKaunis Kuolematon) taking over all vocal duties and Lars Eikind (Before The Dawn) as guest vocalist in one track. Along with Lars Eikind, Jukka Salovaara also appears on the album as guest solo guitarist for 2 tracks completing the circle with the debut album.

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    The Darkness / 2006

    • Album Info
    • 2006
    • Noble Demon

    1. Dying Daylight
    2. Wings of Darkness Attached on the Children of the Light
    3. I Was Never There
    4. Dead Air
    5. I Am Chaos, I Am Destruction
    6. Winter Song
    7. Wrath of Gods Amongst Us
    8. Avalanche

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