Ablaze My Sorrow

Ablaze My Sorrow
STYLE: ORIGIN: SwedenFORMED: 1993LABEL: Black Lion Records
  • Jonas Udd - Vocals
  • Magnus Carlsson - Guitar
  • Dennie Lindén - Guitar
  • Anders Brorsson - Bass
  • Alex Bengtsson - Drums


Ablaze My Sorrow is a melodic death metal band from Falkenberg, Sweden. The group formed in 1993, released three full-length albums for No Fashion Records through several lineup changes, and received significant exposure among metal press outlets before disbanding in August 2006. In January 2012, the band reunited.

The group first came together in 1993, featuring original members Martin Quist on vocals and guitar, Magnus Carlsson on guitar, Anders Brorsson on bass, and Fredrik Wenzel on drums. The group recorded a demo before drummer Alex Bengtsson replaced Wenzel and guitarist Roger Johansson joined the group, both playing on their 1996 debut for No Fashion Records entitled “If Emotion Still Burns“. After the release of the record, Quist and Johansson left the group, and were replaced by Fredrik Arnesson on vocals and Dennie Linden on guitar in time for their follow-up effort, 1997’s “The Plague“. After The Plague, the group went on a temporary hiatus, and replaced Fredrik Arnesson with new vocalist Kristian Lönnsjö and electronic bagpipist Chris KojaliIn 2001, they returned with their third album, Anger, Hate and FuryThe cover of the album featured artwork by Niklas Sundin, a renowned album cover artist. In 2004, the group played the Swedish 2000 Decibel festival. On August 16, 2006, the group announced it was breaking up. In January 2012, the band reunited.

In 2016, Ablaze My Sorrow released an album simply titled, “Black“, with Apostasy Records.

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Among Ashes and Monoliths / 2021

Ablaze My Sorrow-Among Ashes and Monoliths
  • Album Info
  • 2021
  • Black Lion Records

1. My Sorrow
2. Among Ashes and Monoliths
3. Black Waters
4. Grit
5. Her Cold Embrace
6. At the Graves of Giants
7. Dark Chasms
8. The Cavernous Deep
9. Nonexistence
10. March of the Eldritch Spawn
11. The Day I Die
12. Frihet Framför Feghet

Among Ashes and Monoliths is the fifth full-length album by Swedish melodic death metal band Ablaze My Sorrow, released on February 12, 2021 on Black Lion Records.

Black / 2016

Ablaze My Sorrow-Black
  • Album Info
  • 2016
  • Apostasy Records

1. Black
2. One Last Sting
3. Tvåenighet
4. When All Is…
5. Send the Ninth Plague
6. To Reclaim What Is Ours
7. Insomnia
8. Blood Heritage
9. Razorblade Revolution
10. The Storm
11. My Blessing

Black is the fourth full-length album by Swedish melodic death metal band Ablaze My Sorrow released in 2016 on Apostasy Records. 

Anger, Hate and Fury / 2002

Ablaze My Sorrow-Anger, Hate and Fury
  • Album Info
  • 2002
  • No Fashion Records

1. Erased/Relived
2. Suicidal
3. Where the Strong Live Forever
4. Machine Supreme
5. Paradies
6. Retention of Illusion
7. Thou Shalt Forever Suffer
8. Shrouded Are the Pleasures of Flesh
9. Heartless
10. Slit Wide Open
11. Ad Libitum

Anger, Hate, and Fury is the third full-length album by Swedish melodic death metal band Ablaze My Sorrow released in 2002 on No Fashion Records. 

The Plague / 1998

Ablaze My Sorrow-The Plague
  • Album Info
  • 1998
  • No Fashion Records

1. Dusk…
2. The Truth Is Sold
3. Into the Land of Dreams
4. Mournful Serenade
5. The Return of the Mighty Raven
6. I Will Be Your God
7. Plague of Mine
8. As the Dove Falls Torn Apart
9. Suicide
10. …Dawn

The Plague is the second full-length album by Swedish melodic death metal band Ablaze My Sorrow released in 1998 on No Fashion Records. 

If Emotions Still Burn / 1996

Ablaze My Sorrow-If Emotions Still Burn
  • Album Info
  • 1996
  • No Fashion Records

1. If Emotions Still Burn
2. The Rain That Falls…
3. Rise Above the Storming Sea
4. Denial (The Way of the Strong)
5. The Battle
6. My Last Journey
7. As I Face the Eternity
8. My Revenge to Come

If Emotions Still Burn is the debut album by Swedish melodic death metal band Ablaze My Sorrow, released in 1996 on No Fashion Records

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