Haudankylmyyden Mailla
1. Prologi
2. Yhdeksän Yö
3. …Jeesuksen Verestä
4. Ylle Kuihtuneen Ajan Ajatusten
5. Kun Jumalan Sydän On Murskattu
6. (Kaiken) Kristityn Kuolema
7. Viimeinen Sielu Jumalan Valosta
8. Haudankylmyyden Maille
9. Hymni Tuomiopäivänä
10. Peikkomaille
11. Epilogi
12. Kunnia Saatanalle
Haudankylmyyden Mailla (Finnish for “in the lands of the coldness of graves”) is the second full-length studio album by the black metal band Horna. It was released on Solistitium Records in 1999 and was limited to 1,500 copies. It was then re-released by Omvina Records in 2005, and again on Blut & Eisen Productions in 2007. Both re-released versions have some type of alteration from the original version.